Linkschleuder (4)
- Großartige Canal Plus-Werbung
- Electric Razors and Orthodox Judaism
- What if having sex made you lose your memory ? (via)
- The truth about regex-based HTML parsers
- Auf der HAR 2009 druckte man mit einem Reprap Plastikgeld und Handschellenschlüssel
- In Defense of Extreme Pornography — Why Janet Romano and Rob Zicari have no business being in federal prison. (via)
- Wie man Quines programmiert
- AVR Homebrew Device with Iphone-Aspirations (via)
- Die von trash designte c-base-Schriftart
- Bringing Theora to Youtube (the hard way)
- Eine Suchmaschine für Dia-Formen: Diashapes